This website I found deviantART has tons of rendered 3D and Photoshoped images available for download, to use as wallpapers, purchase, and also for viewing the amazing creativity of what the authors come up with. Most of the authors don't mind if you use there work; these photos by Scott Richard are insane!
This one has that industrial, big city Tokyo 3000, way into the future feel, that really makes my mind wonder. I'd imagine the year to be around 2500-3000; lol idk.. You can see that we still drink soft drinks but Im thinking there's probably an age limit by then. The amount of light in this city is crazy, think of all the people per square mile! The spot lights and neon colors are awesome, I wish more city's today would add color to there buildings, more pleasant to look at. (use solar energy) Also, look at the focal point of the super 20 lane highway weaving throughout the towering buildings.
Vast mountain landscape, rich has a lot more and the site, along with thousands of others with tons of photos that are like 2000x2000px so you can see the major detail.
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